If you are being prompted for a password by outlook web app or CompanyWeb Internal Site after logging into remote web workplace. This will also give you an access denied message if you try to use the remote desktop computers link on remote web workplace.

You should check the SBS console, chance are there is a mismatch between the domain your server thinks is the external domain and the actual one. The SSL certificate may not match either.

Open the SBS console, click the network tab, click the connectivity tab.

Re-run the Internet Domain name wizard, make sure you click the adavanced button if your external subdomain or ssl certificate is not for remote.domain.com.
Re-select the trusted certificate as the primary certificate as the server will issue a new self signed cert.

SBS 2011 OWA HTTP 500 Error

by getdeclue on July 28, 2013

If you recieve the HTTP 500 error when you are in Remote Web Workplace and you click the check email link to open Outlook Web App (OWA) The solution is to:

Start Microsoft Exchange Forms-Based Authentication service

If it is not started then start it and the problem will be fixed.

Restart the Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access Service


You may want to set the Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access Service to Automatic (Delayed)

Speed up move requests in Exchange 2010

by getdeclue on July 28, 2013

Run the following commands in an elevated command prompt:

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

netsh int tcp set global chimney=disabled

netsh int tcp set global rss=disabled

Then reboot the server

To verify the change was completed run the following command in an elevated command prompt:

netsh interface tcp show global

To move the DHCP Data from one server to the other

Open an Elevated Command Prompt

Type: netsh dhcp server export c:\dhcp.txt all

Move the dhcp.txt file to the new server.

Type netsh dhcp server import c:\dhcp.txt all

If you server was not previously authorized you may need to authorize it.

Once you start the DHCP service on a the new server you should disable and stop the service on the old server so they do not conflict. If you are changing your DNS server as well you should change the DNS server info in all of the DHCP scope options.

Go into DNS change the CNAME record of companyweb from the old server name to the new server name.

Open IIS Manager click on the company web site and then click the restart button

Open an elevated command prompt and the ipconfig /flushdns


After installing Exchange Server 2007 SP3, Remote Web Workplace and Outlook Web Access are not loading locally or remotely.

To fix this problem:

1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
2. Expand server_name.

Note The server_name placeholder represents the name of the server.

3. Expand Web Sites.
4. Right-click SBS Web Applications, and then click Edit Bindings.
5. Click HTTPs port 443, and then click Edit.
6. Under SSL certificate, select the Sites certificate.

Exchange 2007 SP3 /PrepareSchema failed

by getdeclue on July 27, 2013

If you are receiving the error PostExchange2003_schema0.ldf Failed

Make sure you have the tools installed:

Open a command prompt and run ServerManagerCmd -i RSAT-ADDS

restart the server

If you are still getting the same error try extracting the installer files again to a new directory. Run the installer again.

The command to run to speed up WSUS downloads depends on which installation option you chose when installing WSUS or if you are running SBS server. When you run this command WSUS will take as much bandwidth as possible to download windows updates faster but it can also saturate your internet connection and possibly slow down your windows server.

Windows internal database:

“%programfiles%\Update Services\Setup\ExecuteSQL.exe” -S %Computername%\MICROSOFT##SSEE -d “SUSDB” -Q “update tbConfigurationC set BitsDownloadPriorityForeground=1”


SQL Server
“%programfiles%\Update Services\Setup\ExecuteSQL.exe” -S %Computername% -d “SUSDB” -Q “update tbConfigurationC set BitsDownloadPriorityForeground=1”

havp error

To fix this problem Try disabling the antivirus scanner on the content filter.
Click on the Proxy Tab, Click Content Filter subtab, edit the default profile and deselect the checkbox for activate antivirus scanner.

I also ran the following commands:

cd /usr/share/clamav/
rm -Rf clamav-*
rm main.cvd
rm daily.cvd
rm safebrowsing.cvd
curl -O http://db.local.clamav.net/bytecode.cvd
/etc/init.d/clamd restart

Any pages users were receiving the error message on should load correctly after refreshing the page.


When you use Windows Compete PC Restore the available hard drive space needs to be greater than or equal to the original image. Windows compelete pc restore does not include a way to reduce the partition sizes even if the image includes free or un-partitioned space.